Yes, probably.
But really I just wanted to talk about goals and avoid the cliche of made-to-be-broken "resolutions". To me a goal is something you actually see yourself accomplishing in a fixed amount of time. A resolution is more of a vague and easily-broken wish. It's socially acceptable, almost expected, that you break your resolutions, but goals are made of weightier stuff.
All these ladies are coming home from ALT Summit with renewed focus on their goals, and I've certainly been thinking about mine.

"Crap dude, now what??"
Do any of you need to crystalize a professional or business goal for the year? Maybe get some support?
In the spirit of ladies (and my BFF Jonathan) supporting each other, what if we all blog about it and post a link in the comments section below? Reading about how others think through their professional issues and address their obstacles could be really eye-opening. Also, I think a big key to realizing goals is accountability and feedback...if we put it out there, have some conversations about it, and check back in with each other once a month, don't you feel much more likely to stay on task?
Maybe your post could answer these questions, sort of interview style:
- What would you like to accomplish in the next 365 days (professional/business/creative)?
-What are your biggest obstacles?
-How will you overcome them?
- What steps do you need to take to accomplish your goal (try to assemble a 1-year timeline)?
Here are my answers:
Hire a graphic designer to develop a logo and website, and move business from eBay (eBay has been good to me, but there's no real brand recognition or development opportunities on eBay...I'm not really "MODERNHAUS" as long as I'm on eBay, rather just another seller).
Establish some sort of physical presence in San Diego, whether through occasional pop-up sales or a storefront.
Write, paid or unpaid, in some professional capacity.
Not taking myself as seriously as I take everyone else. Oh, I can pump you up like a Nike turkey
and send you out the door convinced that you can no longer deprive the world of your talent. I believe in everyone...I really do. Now how to turn that kind of positive energy onto myself?
Not giving myself the resources to grow or improve (time [to write, think, and create a business plan], money, hired help to enable business expansion).
I feel like I really need to think about my timeline and plan to overcome these obstacles, so I'll post those answers in a day or two.
Please post your answers or link to your blog post in the comments section!
YES! i've been running the same thoughts through my head. like EXACT same thoughts.
ReplyDeleteso here's my answers. i'm putting them out in the universe so i can, for once, be held accountable and hopefully make this happen.
make my flipping furniture biz into a BUSINESS. buying/selling vintage furniture as well as helping others design their space.
i've been doing the buying/selling half ass for years now. i've been buying for my house and selling the furniture when i'm over it. recently (past year+) i started buying more than just for myself and selling to others....and making some real dough. granted, i have a "full time" job but i work from home have have a lot of flexibility. my job is by no means my passion in life. furniture/design is and i'd do it for free. hence, i need to harness this love and try to make a living out of it this year. i want to quit my 9-5'er eventually and work for myself.
1. me, myself and i. i know i have the eye to make this business happen but i can be so damn lazy! sometimes the thought of starting it all...FOR REAL...makes me crawl back in my cave. those that know me constantly tell me i need to focus on this area of my life and make it happen.
2. a truck. i could really use one to transport the big stuff i find. i see stuff i WANT but don't buy due to transportation. yes, i can borrow and rent, but to own one would eventually be ideal. i used to say storage was a huge obstacle for me but i recently moved into a house with a 2 car garage and this is my new warehouse. no excuse now!
1. i'm on disability until the end of march (that's another story), so for once in my life i have a decent amount of time to spend on myself and my passions...such as starting this biz. so far, so good. i just need to keep this momentum going.
2. my husband is 100% behind me and has offered to do whatever he can to get this going. he believes in me and i need to harness some of his confidence and make it happen.
3. use the creative people around me offering their services. (my good friend is an award winning graphic artist with rad style and amazing ideas. she has already offered her services for FREE to help me create a logo/website. why haven't i taken her up on this yet?!)
1. by the end of March have a non-blogspot website for my business. also have a name for the company.
2. by the end of June take up at least ONE friend who has asked for me to help decorate their house. aka start a portfolio of my "work".
3. by the end of the year feel that i've put real energy and effort into this business and make a decision if i will continue with my paying job or jump into my own business 100%.
thank you for encouraging me write this down. i really needed it on "paper".
Thanks for this-for being brave and starting us off!
DeleteI DOUBT it's laziness. It's intimidating to do start "big" things. If it wasn't, everyone would be doing it.
Making a timeline feels kind of nice and concrete, doesn't it?
Love this! I've been thinking about goals myself. Blogged about it briefly a few weeks ago, but not quite as nicely as you my friend...and without timelines (which is SO SO important)
But I tell ya what, I will blog again about how those goals are going and answer your interview questions. Thanks for reminding me of the need to nurture the "health" of my goals
I can't believe it-it looks like I plagiarized you! I swear I didn't...great minds?
DeleteThe hardest part for me right now is breaking it down into small steps...what should I do first? I think I'll have a glass of wine and think about it ;)
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteOk check out my latest blog. Hopefully it helps! And yes please have a glass of wine!
I think this is a fantastic idea. I also think that somehow a lot of really creative people in the back of their minds think, hey if I can do it, so can everyone else,how can I charge for it? Or at least that is the way I used to think, I have never been extremely business minded but instead focused on if it made me happy (which I admit is priviledge itself). A certain amount of money I have found, does make me happy!I think your business plan is very much like mine however don't forget to make time for yourself. Balance is key, it is what I am trying to do. Also my lameness computer wise, I don't twitter,and I do feel a little generation gap in comparison with all the bloggers and young women as I am way way into my 40's and can't seem to find the time and am exhausted a lot. Perhaps a more concise plan of action??? To own a store or not to own a store that is the question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI pondered on this very thing myself recently at my place and I think that for most of us our biggest obstacles are from within! Our move to this city marked the first time I've ever been able to break away from a traditional job and I am SO grateful to be cubicle free that I think I have felt I should be the perfect home maker so to speak. i.e. There's no excuse for me to be behind on laundry because I don't have a job! My kids asked me the other day when I was going back to work and why I wasn't working, and it devastated me. Time to get off Pinterest, the floors can be mopped tomorrow - Mom is working today!
Ditto Summer on so many levels. Legitimize my business by revamping website and adding a storefront. I have a strong need to create, not just refurbish, so I'd also like to have a signature item that I make be part of what I sell, not just vintage, so I will continue to play with prototypes until we have perfected a few pieces. I also need to continue my research of the market for furniture rental for home stagers/music video shoots may not be worth it, but there seems to be a market for vintage rental.
Mostly me. I have more time than I've had in the past, and now I need to use it wisely and believe that I can make something of it. I always sell myself short under the guise of "being realistic" but if I don't believe in myself, it can't happen. Insecure much?
I may try to sell via E-Bay & Etsy, but would prefer to do Pop-Up Shops. My style is a little out of sync with the typical local, so the market for my stuff might be better served online instead of going to another antique mall, but I haven't ruled that out either. I did OK at my last booth, but needed to expand. I need to finish my research. Timeline is NOW. I am finishing some client refurbish work, and then I really want to jump into getting the sales going, but figuring out how/venues is still blocking me. OVERCOME.
See, this is what blows me away about blogs and the internet. People go on about the lack of human connection, but I think it's actually heightened by technology...I think even on the faceless internet we provide hints about who we are and end up attracting likeminded people. We need to talk-I actually have a piece of furniture in mind to manufacture! My kids don't think I work, I've become totally risk-averse as well, and I spend a large part of my work day trying to act like I'm a stay-at-home mom. In the great "make cookies or run business" internal debate, guess what always wins?
DeleteComing to SD anytime soon? We need to have an ALT ALT Summit (Alternative to ALT)
ALT ALT SUMMIT!!!! So true...without the interwebs I think I'd be in a crazy headspace by now. Thank you for getting the discussion going.
ReplyDeleteGreat idea, Summer!
ReplyDelete- What would you like to accomplish in the next 365 days (professional/business/creative)?
I would like to go back to work, but be able to be part-time. That way I can send my daughter to daycare but still keep up with cloth-diapering and breast-feeding (wait, is that oversharing? Sorry!).
-What are your biggest obstacles?
My boss just informed me today that they might not have a part-time position available for next school year (2012-2012).
We have serious cheese/Netflix/bangs addictions.
-How will you overcome them?
Persist in looking for part-time work in my district, and possibly the Hubs' district.
Come up with a budget that lets us live the good life on 1 1/2 incomes.
- What steps do you need to take to accomplish your goal (try to assemble a 1-year timeline)?
Oh, goodness. Well, I'm getting started! I just posted today on how January's resolutions went (spoiler: I haven't lost any lbs and there was a do-nut incident, but we saved about $240!).
Nice to see that we're all thinking alike!
Here's the link:
yes! alt alt....if only to recreate the drinking
ReplyDeletealt alt. It's like the after party for all the cool kids that didn't get invited to alt summit.
ReplyDeleteI got really great news towards my goal... my principal approved my part-time contract for next year! I'll be working a 4/5, which for anyone outside of our district probably doesn't make much sense. It means that I'll be teaching 3 periods and having 1 for planning. I was going to just teach 3 and have no planning, but then I realized that giving up free money was dumb.
Last month was really our first month living according to a budget of some sorts (other than you pay for this, I'll pay for that). So, I'm hoping that this month we'll be able to really get into the meat of it. I've signed up with a SAHM group online so I can get some tips on stuff like how to reduce our monstrous grocery bill.
WHAAAAT? That's awesome! A shared teaching schedule is why I originally got my teaching degree, before I realized that a job where I work from bed is even better!
DeleteRe: grocery bill...breastfeed the whole family? Gross, even I can't believe I just said that.
LOL, You're a mama, Summer, so we can make b/fing jokes. At least one of us eats free! (Of course, I'm still eating for two...)
DeleteI am so inspired if anyone is down with an alt alt summit, count me in!!
ReplyDeleteI'm organizing this little endeavor in my mind...we all have skills to teach and experience or contacts that would benefit others, right?
DeleteI just don't know if I want to try for something really planned, or just ask everyone to come and freely discuss issues and advice.
Ok, I got the ball rolling on my responses to your questions. Keep me posted on any in-person thoughts...