Friday, June 18, 2010

The view from here

I see the people I love, doing what they do best: showing up

for my littlest boy, who is not very little anymore. So long to elementary 36 my career as a bake-saling, room mother-ing, art docent-ing, field tripper extraordinaire is over.

I see the view I am most intimately familiar with: the window above my kitchen sink

The new acquisitions I want to keep for myself

I see a boy in love with music, playing "Norwegian Wood" on his daddy's Paul Reed Smith

A dog who loves his family

and a $10 bad-hair-day fedora for mama, impatiently awaiting its first beach day

What's your life looking like right now?


  1. Aww, cute hat, mama!

    Congrats on having two official teenagers. I love your oldest playing guitar; our school has the only Mariachi group in Tucson and the students bring their guitars and accordians to school to play in the hallways. Lovely.

    Enjoy summer break!

  2. Sarah, I want to go to your school. Mariachis...what a wonderful sound to hear at work!
    Thanks Jamie...your furry family photos are sweet too ;)


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